ANINV -  Product#1 Survey
Dear Well-Wisher

First of all, thank you for participating in our survey. This survey is essential for us to make wise decisions in developing our first product (patent#406490) design and integrate the best features to satisfy the end user, there by we can save more animals in the community with our product. Please give a genuine response.

ANINV is a public charitable trust (NGO) - Our vision is to reduce/prevent the challenges faced by the animals in the community by manufacturing inventive/ innovative animal-centric products. And inspire humans to encourage and create animal-centric products.

Survey time it takes: 10 Mins

Thanking You
Lakshman Molleti
Founder of ANINV Trust
Full Name *
Email id *
Location *
Contact Number
I am a ? *
What all the small sharp objects you have come across so far, please list them? (example: blades, needles, glass pieces - hazardous to species and environment) *
In general, how do you handle the small sharp objects, whichever you come across at your premises or outside? (example: you just ignore or you pick and lock in some bottle etc) *
In general, what would you do after using the small sharp objects? (example: throw into the dustbin or cover with soil etc) *
Have you got hurt with small sharp objects, or any such instances came across where someone got hurt? Please share the details. *
What is your thought about animals getting hurt because of small sharp objects? And also scrap pickers/children's too get hurt by those objects? *
Are you interested in buying a product (mechanical tool) that solves the problem of animals/ humans getting hurt with these small sharp objects? What all the features you expect in the product? *
What price you expect us to set for the product 'SHARP LOCK' which we are planning to release soon in the market? SHARP LOCK will solve the problem of these small sharp objects in more trendy way. *
Please share your opinions/ other questions/ suggestions, if you have any.
How you came to know about this survey?
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