RIPUL Incident Report Form
We want to emphasize Spirit of the Game on and off the field. This form allows you to provide feedback for players and teams who could use some improvement.

If something negatively impacted your RIPUL experience or if you believe someone acted outside of the RIPUL Community Agreement, we also encourage you to fill out this form.

Examples of incidents you may want to mention for feedback include, but are not limited to:
*Inequitable player time
*Making unwarranted and advantageous calls on the field
*Dangerous plays (both called and not called on the field)
*Harmful language

Feedback may be shared with RIPUL captains to help improve the overall RIPUL community and create solutions that make a more equitable league. Confidentiality is an option so that feedback will not be handled in an undesired way by the feedback giver and be shared only with the parties stated in the report and the Equity Committee. Should further action be necessary, the RIPUL Board will be notified.
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