Irori - playtest form
Elotte demo
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Thank you for giving us feedback on Irori. It's the early stages of the game's development and we're really excited to build and improve the game with your feedback! 🙏
How did you come across this game?
Selectie wissen
How would you describe yourself as a gamer?
(i.e. favourite games, genres or ways of playing)
How would you describe this game to a friend?
How intuitive/easy to learn were the controls? *
Not at all
Very much
How clear was the objective? *
Not at all
Very much
How cosy did the game feel? *
Not at all
Very much
How interesting was it to cook with different ingredients? *
Not at all
Very much
How interesting did you find the world building? *
(i.e. characters, narration, environment, objects)
Not at all
Very much
What did you like most in the demo?
Describe any memorable moments you had.
Describe any frustrating moments you had.
How did the length of the demo feel?
Other feedback or comments?
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