Though our plan is to begin in-person worship again on September 6th, we won’t commit to opening up until we are sure these positions can be filled, and so we need your help. We are asking those who are hoping to attend to commit themselves to ensuring we have the following volunteer positions filled:
Greeter/Screener (1 per sunday)
-Ask standard questions about health and travel.
-Take names and numbers for contact tracing (one name and number for a group is also acceptable)
-Ensure that anyone entering has either a mask or a shield.
-Limit entrance until an usher is prepared to take people to their seats.
Usher (2 per Sunday, one for the balcony, one for the downstairs)
-Guide people to appropriate seat, while ensuring physical distancing
-Seating people will begin at the exit, and work its way back down to the front and across to the entrance.
-Ensure that on exit, people leave in a first in-first out fashion (those seated first, leave first)
Audio/Visual person
-Soundboard (no level adjustment, just labeled volume dials)
-Powerpoint (moving the slides forward as needed). The slides will be up and running before the start of worship.
-Zoom (hitting record at the start of worship). The Zoom meeting will also be started before worship, with the proper screen shared.
-To work Zoom and Powerpoint, you will have to do very little. If you or someone you know would be up to this, Rev. Richard is happy to offer a crash course to get you where you need to be.
Every one of these positions needs to be filled every Sunday, or we will have to forego in-person worship until such time as we have a solid line-up.