SY24-25 Screener Training
Training prepares new test administrators to complete WIDA's online self-paced modules and quizzes before becoming certified to administer and score the WIDA Screener for grades 1-12 and/or WIDA Screener for Kindergarten.  Participants will examine protocols and procedures to administer and score assessments used to identify potential multilingual learners. 

Please Note: test administrator certification can only be obtained after completing and passing WIDA online training modules.  Certification to administer and/or score Screeners will not be issued after attending CLDE trainings offered during this school year.
First Name *
Last Name *
District Email Address *
Role in District *
Did you administer Screener last school year? *
Have you completed the WIDA online training modules and fully certified to administer Screener this year? *
Regarding Screener for grades 1-12, which test format is mostly used in your district? *
Areas I would like to know more about: *
Content delivered during June trainings will be repeated in August.  Please select date(s) below: *
Thank you for registering to attend a CLDE professional development opportunity.  You will receive an attendance confirmation email and related meeting information a few days prior to your selected training date(s). 
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