Oxygen Volunteer Mentor Interest
Thank you for considering getting involved in supporting young people.  Volunteering is an exciting way of working with others in your local community, putting something back and seeing the results which is highly rewarding!  We believe that everyone has something to offer!  Please complete the short form to give us the details we need to get you on-board.  Please note that all volunteers will need to undergo a DBS check.  Many thanks!
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Consent to hold and process your information
In order for you to become a volunteer mentor we need to hold and process information about you.   The information you give will be held safely by charity and only used for the purposes stated below.  should you wish to enquire further or withdraw your consent then please contact the Charity by either phone 02085470566 or email: info@oxygen-online.org
Do you consent to Oxygen storing and processing the information provided on this form ? If you do not tick the box, then unfortunately we will not be able to progress your application as we will need to keep this information for the duration of your time as a volunteer with us. *
First Name *
Surname *
Contact Number *
Are you over 18? We do accept young people over the age of 16 and train them as "Peer Mentors"
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If you are under 18 please provide contact details for a parent/guardian? Name, phone number and email address are required to process your application.
Do you give consent for Oxygen to use your name and image to inform others of the work of the charity in publications, on the internet and through printed and social media? *
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