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Academic Year  *
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All the teachers follow the lesson plans and teaching schedules as per the university and departmental calendars. *
The teacher uses the right mix of board teaching and LCD power point presentations in his lectures
The class room is connected in LAN to digital library
resources and is utilized in class room teaching as per
the need.
The teacher addresses the bright, average and weak students in your class with equal attention during his lectures.
Bright students are given challenging tasks to solve
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Weak students are given extra coaching in Remedial classes
Student feedback on teachers is collected in regular intervals and actions are taken based
on its analysis
In general the teachers are available to students in their free hours for interaction and also
for counseling
Assignment questions are given in different sets and are regularly given
Student learning groups are engaged in seminar presentations, hobby projects and tutorial classes
Tutorial classes conducted are effective and helpful in developing problem solving skills.
Professional society activities conducted are relevant and effective in exposing contemporary issues of your program
Industrial visits are organized at least once in a year and exposed you to the industry environment
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Students interests are taken into account while allocating the main projects
Generally students are encouraged to do their mini-project work in the industry
Students are encouraged to undergo internship in industries
Industry experts lectures have given you enough interaction with industry experts
Some experiments that are conducted over and above the university syllabus in the lab classes have enhanced your practical skills
The lab records are evaluated regularly and performance in the lab classes is assessed on day to day basis based on experiments and oral questioning
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