Cardone Training: Sales Opportunity Assessment
Discover What You Need To Know About Your Sales Process With Our FREE  Sales Assessment

Successful leaders have one thing in common. They rely on a set of daily disciplines; standard procedures used consistently day after day.

This allows them to deliver at a consistently high level of performance no matter what their day throws at them.

Let's begin by looking at each element of your current processes and how you are currently performing.  You will be shown a series of questions about the elements of your current sales process and your observations in regards to them.

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Who are you?
Let's start by getting to know you and your company a little better
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Text Number *
Company Name *
Job Title *
How many customer facing employees? *
Years in business *
Let's start with your marketing and branding strategies and how you're generating traffic
Does your sales and negotiation process match your advertising? *
Can you advertise your sales process (is it a marketable asset)? *
Does your advertising consistently drive traffic and improve your brand image? *
How many different ways can a customer hear about your business today? *
What is your typical monthly investment in driving traffic? *
Early Management Interaction
Let's now look at how and when your managers are engaging with your buyers
Do your managers meet clients early in the sales process? *
Do your managers explain how the process is different at your company? *
What's happening at the point of contact?
Do your sales people initiate client sensitive issues in a timely fashion? *
Do your sales people offer information upfront? *
Do you offer pricing to 100 percent of your clients?
Clear selection
How often do you practice/role-play the point of contact
Clear selection
Needs Assessment
How are we addressing fact finding?
Do your sales people use the customers present vehicle to build a complete buyer profile? *
Do your sales people create client engagement using their present situation to shorten the sales process? *
How often do you practice/role-play the fact finding/needs assessment? *
Selection and Demonstration
How do you handle inventory and how do we make sure were on the right car?
Is your inventory arranged by model and price? *
Do your sales people use inventory to offer alternative selections before the demonstration? *
Do all your clients receive a dramatic presentation tailored to their specific needs? *
When do your salespeople disclose pricing? *
How often do you practice/role-play presenting/demonstrating your product(s) and/or services? *
Negotiations & Closing
How do you enter the negotiations and close deals?
Do you provide your customer choices during negotiations in a non-confrontational manner? *
Do you use those choices to logically negotiate down payment, monthly payment, term, and price before discount and allowance? *
What are the top 5 objections your sales people hear in the close? *
Do your top salespeople have at least 5 rebuttals to each of the five objections they hear in the close? *
Other than money – what are 5 things you can give the customers in order to close a sale? *
How often do you practice/role-play handling objections and closing? *
Delivery & Follow up
After the sale or in a no close how do we follow up and support the client?
When sold, do all your customers get a dynamic turnover to the finance department? *
Do all your non-sold customers complete a non-buyer survey and speak with a member of management before leaving? *
How many times do your sales people follow up with an unsold buyer? *
How many times do your sales people follow up with an sold buyer? *
Thank you so much for doing this.  Last couple questions here
What did you get from this survey?
Did we miss anything or is there something specific you'd like to address?
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