Transcript Request Form
Fill out this form to request a transcript or a diploma from Auburn Drive High School.

**NOTE** Student Services will be closed from July 1st until school starts in September.
There is one half-day during the summer where transcript pick ups will be available. Please check the website closer to the end of June for that information.

 If you require your transcripts emailed or sent through the mail, please have the full address of the institution available when filling out this form.

This service is free for current students and has a charge ($5 for first transcript, $1 for each additional) for past graduates. Diploma reprints are available for a $20 fee and must be picked up in person. A link to pay these fees electronically is included in the form. Cash can also be utilized for those items you are picking up in person.

Transcripts/diplomas are typically printed on Thursday of each week. Orders received before 9 am Thursdays are included in that print run. After 9am on Thursday and they are included in the next week's print run.

Many learning institutions will accept an emailed transcript as long as it is directly from our building. In the comment section on the form please indicate the full name of each institution you want emailed. When we email them,  you will be copied on it so you can have a record of when it was done. Please be aware that if you print that off it is NOT an official transcript for you. Official transcripts for the 'student' are physically sealed from Student Services. This email is a courtesy action for you to know what is happening with your application. Should you wish/need a hard copy we are happy to mail one out to you. If you do receive a physical copy, please do not break the seal. The institution will need it intact.

 Should you require additional help or information you may contact

Congratulations and best wishes on your future endeavours!

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