Groups 6 maximum, booking rooms in Áras na Mac Léinn
This form is for student groups (other than societies)  You may be part of a society but the activity is not a society activity which appears on the society calendar. Your group must be part of a pod, ie mix socially already (could go for dinner together to a restaurant). It is for bands, drama groups etc looking to rehearse. You need to book your room and fill this in once so we know who is in your group, we will then be able to approve your booking. NOTE only people in this pod can be at the event. If you are booking a space just for yourself you do not need to fill in this form. Note at least 66% of the people in the group must be registered NUIG students. (ie 4 in 6)

NB: You must disinfect your hands upon arrival and clean anything you will touch, ie door handles, chair backs, table, light switch, equipment etc. Upon arrival and before departure.
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Name of person making the booking *
ID of person making the booking. *
Title of the Booking (ie band name, production that is being rehearsed) *
Number of people in your group
Who is in your group?,
Name & ID of Students, Name and Phone number of non students.(max 2 in 6 can be non students, this is to facilitate bands) Include the person who is making the booking.
Person 1: name ID/phone number
Person 2: name ID/phone number
Person 3: name ID/phone number
Person 4: name ID/phone number
Person 5: name ID/phone number
Person 6: name ID/phone number
Covid-19 Declaration
1.Have you any the following symptoms - Cough; Shortness of Breath; Fever (>38C); Loss/change to Taste or Smell?
2.Have you had any contact with confirmed/suspected COVID-19 case within the past 14 days?
3.Have You Travelled Internationally within the past 14 days?
By answering below you confirm that 1) the persons above are part of a pre-established "social pod" and 2) none of those persons answer yes to the 3 Covid-19 questions above. *
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