Exchange Breathing Method: register to participate in research             
Stopping a seizure in its tracks can bring about huge quality of life changes for individuals and their loved ones.

Around the globe, hundreds of people are using The Exchange Breathing Method as a way to halt a seizure in someone they care for.

By taking part in this research you will be playing an amazing role in helping the ambition for the Exchange Breathing Method to become a worldwide 'go to' method for stopping a seizure: a first aid procedure which almost anyone can easily administer.  

50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy - this is a lot of lives which could benefit from this quality of life-changing method. 

To help, please use this form to register your interest in participating in research into the Exchange Breathing Method.  This will be carried out by an independent group of university researchers from Harvard Medical School, University of Central Florida College of Medicine and the Carrick Institute, USA. Any queries can be directed to the project lead, Prof Carrick at

Many thanks for your support

Please note, all information supplied will only be used in conjunction with this project.

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1. I would be willing to participate in this research project into the Exchange Breathing Method which is being undertaken by an independent university research group. *
2. Use of the Exchange Breathing Method as an emergency rescue method to stop a seizure.  Please choose the statement which best represents when you use (or have used) the method.
3. In what country do you live?
(This information is used to indicate distribution of users across the world)
4. At what email address would you like to be contacted about participation in the research? *
What is your first name?
What is your last name?
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