KAMPO KALANGWËRAN                                    Volunteer Registration Form

“Kalangweran” is Pangasinan youth. Kampo Kalangweran is the Volunteerism Program of the Pangasinan Provincial Tourism and Cultural Affairs Office (PTCAO) for youths to support the provincial government’s thrust in the protection, development, and promotion of Pangasinan’s natural and cultural heritage.

The natural and cultural heritage of Pangasinan is the foundation of its tourism, and in this context, shall comprise of its people and values, its history and culture, and its environment. The camp shall be used as a venue for values formation, learning and knowledge-sharing, community participation, and engagement in key government programs, projects, and activities. Members of Kampo Kalangweran must embrace and commit to the spirit of volunteerism in their participation in this program.

Senior high school students, college students, out-of-school youths, history/culture and arts/tourism societies and youth leaders, institution partners with corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs on tourism, culture, arts, and environmental protection, and tourists are welcome to join the Kampo Kalangweran

Do not forget to like and follow our Pangasinan Tourism Facebook Page for announcements and updates.

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1.   Create a pool of youth volunteers who will support the Provincial Government of Pangasinan's tourism, heritage, and environment programs, projects, and activities.

2.   Develop the youth and expand their role and participation in community service.

3.   Promote the concept and principles of volunteerism and its core values.

4.   Inculcate valuable job skills that the youth may need for future jobs.

5.   Inspire the youth to be compassionate, readily willing to help whenever and wherever needed, and to have a positive attitude and outlook for change that will benefit personal and communal growth.


By agreeing to supply the data required on this form, I give my consent to the Provincial Tourism and Cultural Affairs Office (PTCAO) to use my personal data for the purpose of this event and its registration. This includes the program delivery for this event, invitations to future events and online surveys, newsletters, marketing, and other promotional activities on print and social media. This is in accordance to the Data Privacy Act of 2012. 
Full Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) *
Age *
Gender *
Home Address *
Contact Number *
Email Address *
Agency/Institution *
Occupation (indicate NA if not applicable) *
Year and Course (if student; indicate NA if not applicable) *
Hobbies and Interests (check all that applies)
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