New Partner Application - Pennsbury Partners Program
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Pennsbury Partner! The intent of this partnership is to support student achievement and to provide mutual assistance and benefit through shared information, time, personnel, and resources.

These partnerships enable the School District to:
•   Demonstrate real-life applications of the Pennsbury curriculum;
•   Offer opportunities for students to provide community service; or
•   Offer mentoring programs and other career awareness and development activities to prepare students for satisfying careers.

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Email *
What is the name of your business or organization?  *
What is the official website of your business or organization? *
What is the address of your business or organization?  *
What is the phone number of your business or organization?  *
What is the official email address of your business or organization?  *
What is the name and job title of the person who will be the main point of contact during your partnership with Pennsbury?  *
What is this person's work phone number? (If it is the same number as your business/org, please write "See above") *
What is this person's work email address? (If it is the same email as your business/org, write "See Above")   *
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