Birthday Party Request Form
  • Please fill out this form to request a party date and theme.  We will get back to you via email with details and to confirm.  The party is not confirmed until you receive an email confirmation from The Complex and payment is rendered 
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Email *
Name of person over 18 booking this party *
Phone Number *
Select Party Theme *
Age of Person Celebrating Birthday *
Please list your date choice and one back-up date choice for the party.  All parties are two hours and take place on Sundays between the hours of 10:00-3:00.  You may choose any two hour time slot within this time frame.
Expected number of partygoers, including guest of honor.  This count only includes those participating in the Experience (EX: Children not parents) *
I give The Complex permission to seek medical attention in case of emergency. I will not hold the studio responsible for injury or virus or for any medical attention sought for said emergency.
I understand I will receive an email confirmation from The Complex and my party is not confirmed until payment is rendered.  *
Please type your name here as your electronic signature agreeing to the contract above.
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