Long-form Critique Swap
It's December, which means: You made it through the gauntlet that is NaNoWriMo. Congratulations! Or maybe you weren't doing NaNoWriMo, but you still have a novel, in which case: also congratulations!

Whether you're all the way through a plot and have written THE END on the last page, or are only halfway, the next step is to get some feedback from a first reader. In the spirit of NaNoWriMo, we're trying to take the process of getting feedback, which might usually take many months, and cram it all into one experience!

Fill out this form and we'll match you up with another writer who has a similar novel manuscript. Then, the two of you swap manuscripts and give each other feedback.

You can sign up for the Swap until December 15, and it's open to any writer who has any kind of novel manuscript, whether a NaNoWriMo project or not, whether you attend the meetup or not. Writers will be matched by the new year. The more people sign up, the more precise the matches can be, so tell your friends!
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Email *
Author Name (the name you'd like your critique partner to call you by) *
Manuscript Title *
Word Count (if you're still working on it, please estimate how many words you'll want your critique partner to read) *
Manuscript Genre and Sub-Genre *
2-5 sentences describing your manuscript, including setting, plot, aesthetic, and audience (This will only be used to match you with similar manuscripts, so no need to be fancy!) *
Manuscript rating (e.g. PG-13, R, etc; with content warnings if appropriate) *
Type of feedback desired (e.g. level of detail, a reader with specific perspective) *
Are there any types of content you'd like to avoid reading? (e.g. triggers, or subgenres you're not an expert in)
What genres are you familiar with enough to critique?
Any other information you'd like to add
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