MSDI 2024 Scholarship Application
Scholarship Decisions by June 5, 2024. No Deposit Due until notification.
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Name *
High School *
Preferred email address *
Phone Number (we typically use email, this is a backup) *
Have you completed online registration at Online registration is required for Scholarship consideration, but the deposit is not due until AFTER you are notified of any offer. *
MSDI does yearly fundraising for scholarships, and will re-allocate expected camp "profit" (if any) to this cause once expenses are covered. Thus, we wait until near the end of registration (as late as June 1, 2022) to convey offers. Our typical scholarships are less than half of total fees, but combining scholarships, support from your school, and a flexible payment plan makes the camp affordable to most. Are you comfortable with us sharing your scholarship application with potential donors to help scholarship fundraising? *
Please generally describe your financial challenges with attending in as much detail as you wish. *
What contributions can (or your family) you provide? *
What support do you plan to request locally from your high school or local organizations? *
What specific camp(s) are you hoping to attend at the 2022 MSDI? The policy camps are longer, the online option avoid room & board costs, etc. *
What are your debate & college aspirations? Are you considering college debate? *
Please indicate if you feel you understand our scholarship policies (timeline, notification, etc.) and feel free to ask any questions you may have.
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