Would you like to participate in one of Check Your Privilege's courses or workshops, or access the Co-Conspirators Lounge (the CYP Collective), but don't have the financial means to afford it?
The Green Bottle Sliding Scale Method, developed by Alexis J. Cunningfolk is a fee structure designed to accommodate people with different financial means. It is a flexible payment range instead of fixed price for services. The Green Bottle Analogy: Think of it this way: Imagine a green bottle filled with liquid representing different payment options. You are invited to make a payment that corresponds to you financial ability, no questions asked. This approach eliminates the discomfort of discussing finances and provides a safe space for clients to be honest about their capacity.
The Power of Transparency: One of the most important aspects of this model is transparency. We believe that people deserve access no matter their ability to pay, while also honoring the time and money it took for all of us to invest in our education, therapy, somatic body work and learning and learning. We know that we cannot remove all barriers to care, but this is one that we can certainly try to remove or at the very least make as flexible as possible.
Building a Community of Trust: By embracing the Green Bottle Sliding Scale Method, we are fostering a community of trust, understanding, and empathy. This method also encourages us to be proactive in advocating for ALL of our needs, which can be incredibly empowering