Deubrook JH- HS Permission Forms
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E-Mail-Adresse *
Name of Parent/Guardian Completing Form *
By entering your full name below, you are indicating that you are the person you say you are and this electronic signature indicates you are providing permission, consent, and/or information for the questions that follow.
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student(s) First Name *
If you have more than one student, enter all first names in the space below (please separate names with a comma and start with your oldest child).
Grade(s) of Student *
If you have more than one grade 7-12 student, select all that apply.
Acceptable Use Policy *
Please read and review the following link pertaining to the Deubrook Area School District's: Acceptable Use Policy
Parent Portal Acceptable Use Policy *
Please read and review the following link pertaining to the Deubrook Area School District's: Parent Portal Acceptable Use Policy
NAME Permission for Deubrook Web Pages *
Do you give permission for your child(ren)’s NAME to appear on school web pages?
PHOTO Permission for Deubrook Web Pages *
Do you give permission for your child(ren)’s PHOTO to appear on school web pages?
Student of Active Military Parent *
Please check yes if these conditions are met: A parent is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty.  This also includes full-time members of the National Guard Reserve that are activated and deployed. (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard)
Student Health Conditions *
Please identify any health conditions your child has that may at some time pose a problem for him/her in the classroom or at school-related activities (examples—asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, allergies, etc.). If YES, check other and list child's name and health condition.
Emergency Medical Information *
If parents cannot be located in an emergency,  please list your doctor's and dentist's names and phone numbers.
Over-the-counter Medication Permission *
If my child is ill, he/she has permission to receive the following: Please check all that apply. (It will be given as directed on the bottle.)
Acknowledgment of Review of Student Handbook *
Please read the contents of the student handbook. The direct link to the handbook is JH-HS Handbook  If you would like a hard copy, please contact If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the principal. Each student/learner and parent is expected to review and understand the contents of applicable student handbooks.
Online Registration Acknowledgment *
There are 2 parts to our Online Registration:  this Permission Form AND the portion in your Parent Portal that updates contact and emergency information.  These both need to be completed before school starts.  Please choose the appropriate response below.  Thank you!
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Dieses Formular wurde bei State of South Dakota K-12 Data Center erstellt. Missbrauch melden