Winter National League Entry Form 2019-20
Please enter your sides for the 2019-20 National league!


Provisional dates (finalised dates with timings will go on


2018/19 roster:

Entry deadline (including payment): 31/08/2019

Costs are down across Div1-4 this season due to the use of cost effective pools. Class 1 and 2 costs are additionally lower due to using Nottingham for Seeding but Leeds pool costs (50m) have gone up £300 per booking. Savings on last year: Div 1 £100, Div 2 £55, Div 3 £10, Div 4 £20.
We strongly encourage Youth entries as we continue to try and re-invigorate the league.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Team Name *
Club contact email address *
Primary (Captain) contact email address *
Which league would you like to enter? *
Is this a re-entry, promotion, demotion or new (proposed) entry? *
Please name your suitably qualified referee. *
Confirm that your named referee's qualification is suitable for the league entered and up to date in the referee system. (Visible at *
Confirm that you have read the National League rules, understand the entry criteria and will abide by the rules. *
Payment details - Payment details - Please pay entry fee £120 (deadline 31/08/19) and full payment before your first tournament.
*NEW ACCOUNT* Payment is to be made online to:
Bank:                      Barclays
Name:                    BC Canoe Polo Committee
Account number: 90923427
Sort code:             20-63-33
Please enter ref "NL teamname" + "D1"  or "W1" or "D4N" etc so we can identify payments easily.

To run our league system effectively it is vital that we can communicate with all teams.  For this purpose we collect and hold your email address, National Federation number and other contact information you may supply as part of your entry.  Your information will be shared with league organisers, and other officials of our sport, but never passed to third parties for marketing purposes.  In line with the requirements of GDPR should you wish to request further details, or request deletion of the information we hold on you, please contact
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