SA Trivia Request
Complete the form below to have the SA staff set up a Quizbot trivia session and Discord event. Please allow up to 48 hours for processing. Additionally, you are required to organize the site-based competition to award crescents for placement.
What is your DB username? *
Let us know the subject of your trivia session and when you would like it to run so that we can set up the Discord event and Quizbot. 
What would you like the Discord event (used for advertising and opt-in notifications) to be called? *
What date would you like the session to run? *
What time would you like the session to run?
What time zone did you provide the time in? *
Trivia Questions
Below, provide your trivia questions and answers either through a separate document or directly through the form.

Note: Images cannot be included in questions at the current time. Quizbot only supports text questions.
Option A: Provide a link to a Google Document that contains the trivia questions, correct answers (indicated somehow), and 2-3 false answers per question.
Option B: Provide the trivia questions, correct answers (indicated somehow), and 2-3 false answers per question below
Wyczyść formularz
Nigdy nie podawaj w Formularzach Google swoich haseł.
Ta treść nie została utworzona ani zatwierdzona przez Google. Zgłoś nadużycie - Warunki korzystania z usługi - Ochrona danych osobowych