Fun Drumming for Kids
Fun Drumming Classes for Kids!

Suitable for Children 6 - 8 years old & 8 - 11 years old.

Through our Programme, children get to learn the basics of drumming, techniques used, drumming rudiments, music theory, fun performing pieces, learn the art of performing & get to interact with other children of the same age group.

The benefits of learning drums at a young age :
- Develop Confidence
- Motor Skill Development
- Teamwork
- Cultivate Self-Discipline
- Self Expression
- Exercise for Mind & Body

Class Duration : 60min
Class Size : 4 - 8 pax

6 - 8 Years Old (11am - 12pm)
8 - 11 Years Old (11am - 12pm)

Per Month Basis ($240)
- $60/session
- One session a week
- Total : 4 sessions
- Fees : $240 x 1 month

One-time Registration Fee : $30 (Lesson materials and Drumsticks will be included.)
Payment by per month basis on first session

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Full Name (Child) *
Age of Child *
Full Name (Parent) *
Mobile Number *
Any Music Experience? *
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