EIT RawMaterials Academy «PhD BalticTeach»  Summer PhD School: "Market and the Customer", 4-6 June 2024, Riga application form 

APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED to March 10, 23:59, 2024. 

PhD BalticTeach is addressed to doctoral students interested in research areas such as advanced materials, sustainability, circular economy, and technology commercialization. The program empowers aspiring researchers with a systems-thinking approach and challenge-based learning, mastering the commercialization and scaling of research results for successful market entry. 

This application will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. 

During the program, three PhD schools will be organized, each of them containing:
  • Individual online learning courses (approx. 60 hours);

  • A three-day in-person PhD school (approx. 30 hours);

  • Incubation program (approx. 60 hours).

Before participating in a face-to-face school, students must complete an individual online learning course, including systems-thinking, sustainable materials, circularity, and challenge-based content. If students decide to participate in all three schools, they must complete the online learning course only once before starting the first in-person school. After each face-to-face school, the incubation program will provide students with inspiring online lectures, practical seminars, and one-on-one mentoring sessions. Participation in each of the schools will provide students with the possibility of earning 6 ECTS credits.

Price per school: 200 €

If you are interested in any content related to these topics, please reach out to Kristiāna Kārkliņa, RTU, kristiana.karklina@rtu.com; Veiko Karu, Tallinn University of Technology, veiko.karu@taltech.ee, Vaida Morkunaite vaida.morkunaite@ktu.lt. 

The project is financed by EIT RawMaterials and implemented by Riga Technical University, Tallinn University of Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Technical University of Kosice, and Geological Survey of Slovenia.

Supported by EIT RawMaterials and EU. 

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Name, last name *
E-mail *
Country of residence (RIS, non RIS) *
Gender *
Motivation Letter to participate in the course (up to 200 words)
I'm a PhD candidate from ... *
I'm in my... *
What is your biggest motivation to go to a PhD school? *
What is your area of research and expertise *
In which research group do you belong in your home university? What is the focus of this Research Group?
How familiar are you with the topic of Raw Materials?  *
Raw materials are unfinished materials or natural resources used to produce or manufacture finished products for sale. These materials can be used in their unprocessed or processed form as found suitable. Examples include cotton, crude oil, coal, rubber blanks, mineral ores, wood, etc.
No knowledge
How relevant is the topic of Raw Materials in your research?  *
Not relevant
Very relavant
How familiar are you with the topic of sustainability?  *
Sustainable materials may be sourced from low environmental impact or renewable resources, be more durable with a longer lifecycle, have a smaller footprint to manufacture or use, or be easier to break down at end of life. Some can even be human-made materials, designed to help preserve natural resources.
No knowledge
How relevant is the topic of sustainability in your research?  *
Not relevant
Very relavant
How familiar are you with the topic of Circular flows of materials?  *
The purpose of a circular economy is to maintain the value of products, materials and resources for as long as possible by returning them into the product cycle after they have reached the end of their lifecycle, while minimizing the generation of waste. Materials such as biomassmetalsminerals and fossil fuels are extracted from the environment to make products or to produce energy. When their life cycle ends, products may be recycled, incinerated, or discarded as residual waste. Those material flows are an essential part, albeit not the only one, of the circular economy. The fewer products we discard and the more we recycle, the fewer materials we extract, thus benefiting our environment.
No knowledge
How relevant is the topic of circularity in your research?  *
Not relevant
Very relavant
How familiar are you with the topic of Systems thinking?  *
Systems thinking is a holistic approach to analysis that focuses on the way that a system's constituent parts interrelate and how systems work over time and within the context of larger systems.
No knowledge
How relevant is the topic of  Systems thinking in your research?  *
Not relevant
Very relavant
How familiar are you with the topic of Technology commercialization? *
Technology commercialization is the process of transitioning technologies from the research lab to the marketplace. This activity is complimentary to the process of publishing research findings.
No knowledge
How relevant is the topic of Technology commercialization in your research?  *
Not relevant
Very relavant
Please select the commercialization related topics that you are familiar with. *
Please select the commercialization related topics that you wish to gain deeper knowledge in. *
Do you have a business idea? *
Thank you for your time and effort! If relevant, please leave an additional comments here! 
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