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WSCA Game Show Registration
Thursday, June 22, 2023
JRD Ranch
40303 200th Street | Arlington, MN 55307
Contact us at (507) 380.7857 or
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Exhibitor Name
(First & Last)
Your answer
Exhibitor Age:
(As of January 1, 2023)
Your answer
Horse's Name:
Your answer
If running multiple horses... Please select running order of this horse:
Beginning "A" Horse
End "B" Horse
Coggins Number:
Your answer
Your answer
Egg & Spoon:
1. Egg & Spoon 13 & Under
2. Egg & Spoon 14 - 17
3. Egg & Spoon 18 & Over
Pole Weaving:
4. Leadline
5. Pet Pony
6. Pony
7. PeeWee
8. Junior
9. Intermediate
10. Senior
11. Senior +
12. Senior ++
Key Race:
13. Leadline
14. Pet Pony
15. Pony
16. PeeWee
17. Junior
18. Intermediate
19. Senior
20. Senior +
21. Senior ++
22. Leadline
23. Pet Pony
24. Pony
25. PeeWee
26. Junior
27. Intermediate
28. Senior
29. Senior +
30. Senior ++
31. 4D Barrels {Time will be taken from regular age division run}
Clear selection
Jumping Figure 8:
32. Pet Pony
33. Pony
34. PeeWee
35. Junior
36. Intermediate
37. Senior
38. Senior +
39. Senior ++
40. 4-In-A-Line
If Entering 4-In-A-Line, please list Rider & Horses Names below:
Your answer
Speed Dash
41. Speed Dash 10 & Under
42. Speed Dash 11 - 13
43. Speed Dash 14 - 17
44. Speed Dash 18 & Over
Rescue Race
45. Rescue Race
If Entering Rescue Race, please list Riders & Horse Name below:
Your answer
By submitting this entry we agree we are participating in this event totally at our own risk for injuries and/or property damage which may incur in relation to this event. JRD Ranch
is not responsible for accidents.
We Agree
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