Volunteer Opportunities with Yellow Arrow Publishing
Yellow Arrow Publishing, a local literary non-profit, is seeking volunteers to help as we move into the new year. We are looking for volunteers at all levels, including event assistance, editorial staff, and board members.

Our mission is to support women writers by providing them opportunities for honing their writing skills, publishing, and sharing their work with the larger literary community. Currently, we publish a bi-annual journal, run workshops and other literary events, and are open for full-length manuscript submissions. We offer our volunteers opportunities for meeting authors, participating in the literary community in Baltimore and Maryland, learning skills related to the literary industry (such as editing, manuscript design, event planning, and more), and helping women authors get their art into the hands of those that would benefit from it.

If you are interested in volunteering with Yellow Arrow or would like more information, please fill out the short form below.
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Email Address *
Preferred Level of Involvement (check all that apply) *
*Note that board members are by invitation only, and the current board votes on who is invited based on current needs and what positions are available.
What areas are you interested in participating in? Select all that apply. *
Do you have any items you would be interested in donating to the Yellow Arrow House? (For example, furniture, tablet, coffee maker, lamps, notebooks, etc.) Please include below.
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