2020 DHDM Participant Form
Our year long efforts with Lions Philanthropy culminate into our end of the year event called DHDM - a 12 hour no sitting dance marathon held every spring in honor of Danny Hammond. On this day, students, teachers, community members, and families affected by cancer gather together at Cardinal O’Hara for a common goal; to find a cure.

During DHDM, participants can take part in various activities, watch performances, eat food, make care packages, engage in a prayer service and luminary walk, and listen to stories from families directly impacted by childhood cancer. If you are interested in becoming involved, our different ways to participate are listed below.

DANCERS are all the participants that are apart of Danny Hammond Dance Marathon. EVERY participant is required to raise $110 by April 3rd, attend some of our fundraisers, and attend DHDM on April 17th.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS are participants that have ALREADY been selected to dedicate more time and effort in our organization than regular participants.There are 12 committees, each with its own role and responsibility in the organizing of Danny Hammond Dance Marathon. EVERY committee member is required to raise $110 by April 3rd, attend most of our fundraisers, attend DHDM on April 17th, and complete tasks assigned by the leadership team.

COMMITTEE CAPTAINS are participants that have ALREADY been selected and that stood out to their peers in their previous years as a committee member. There are 12 committees, each with its own role and responsibility in the organizing of Danny Hammond Dance Marathon. Within their committee, captains take on a greater role of planning, fundraising, and executing all DHDM events. EVERY committee captain is required to raise $110 by April 3rd, attend most of our fundraisers, attend DHDM on April 17th, and complete tasks assigned by the leadership team member.

LEADERSHIP MEMBERS are a team of executive board members that have ALREADY been selected to work extremely hard to ensure success for our organization. There are 14 positions, each with difficult and demanding responsibilities. Their job includes attending weekly meetings, planning all events, completing jobs assigned specific to their role, and delegating responsibilities to their committee members and committee captains. EVERY leadership member is required to exceed to $110 minimum by April 3rd, lead operations, attend all of our fundraisers, execute DHDM on April 17th, and complete duties assigned by overall and advisors.

1. Fill out this 2020 DHDM Participant Form
2. Go to https://2020dhdm.causevox.com/
3. Click “Join the Campaign.”
4. Create your account by entering your email, password, and uploading a profile picture.
5. Add your goals to your account.
          - You must raise at least $110 by April 3rd in order to participate, but we encourage you to exceed that amount.
6. Add to your description and tell your donors why you are a part of DHDM.
7. Once you’ve finished setting up the account, make sure to send out the account link to start raising money!
8. Start Fundraising; text or email your family, friends, and neighbors the link to your CauseVox and ask them to donate, post your CauseVox link on your social media accounts, and save your money and donate to CauseVox!

ALL participants must attend a Line Dance/T-shirt Pick up Session on the below dates. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Tuesday, April 14th from 2:30-3:30
Wednesday, April 15th from 5:30-7:30

If you have questions, please reach out to the 2019-2020 Overall, Bella Cipresso or one of the advisors, Mr. Brac or Miss AK.

Thank you!
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First and Last Name *
Student Number *
Homeroom Section *
COHS Email *
Personal Email *
Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Please list an additional Parent/Guardian Email or Phone Number if multiple adults would like to be made aware of DHDM events and event details
Class Year *
Type of Participant *
T-shirt Size *
Suggestions for fundraisers or events :
Ideas for the Night Of DHDM (costume themes, games, or fun activities) :
Mandatory Check In Day *
All students MUST attend one of the mandatory check in days. Students must attend either Tuesday, April 14th from 2:30-3:30 OR Wednesday, April 15th from 5:30-7:30. There are no exceptions.
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