Jam Session - 13-10-2023
TDP's first event of the year! come play/sing/ whistle/shout or just hang out and make friends ✨ everyone is welcome at our jam session and we prepared you some lovely treats thanks to The Breakfast Club!

WHEN: 13th of October, starting 6PM
WHERE: The Breakfast Club Roetersstraat 10 A, 1018WE (right across from uni)
WHO: everyone! even if you don't play/sing
TICKETS: free!
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What is your name?  *
Are you planning to come to the Jam Session on the 13th of October?  *
Are you bringing an instrument? If yes, please write down which:
Are you bringing a friend outside of PPLE? 
Please let us know on IG @ppletdp or via email: tdp-pple@uva.nl 
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