Deinfluencing Survey
My name is Susan James, and I am conducting this research as part of my dissertation for my MSc in Digital Marketing and Analytics at the South East Technological University. This research aims to explore the Effects of the Deinfluencing Trend on TikTok on Brand Loyalty within the Fashion Industry. 

This survey consists of 18 questions and should take under 10 minutes to complete. There are no known risks associated with participating in this study. Whilst you may not benefit directly from participating, know that your responses will contribute to valuable research in this area. 

Your participation is voluntary, and you will have the option to withdraw from this study at any time without providing a reason. All participants must be over the age of 18. All responses will be kept strictly confidential and be used only for research purposes. No personally identifiable information will be shared, and all data will be anonymised under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at

By proceeding with this survey, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this information and consent to participate. 

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Gender: How do you identify? *
Which age group do you belong to? *
Have you heard of the deinfluencing trend on TikTok? *
How often do you use TikTok? *
How often do you view fashion-related content on TikTok? *
How do you tend to engage with fashion-related content on TikTok? *
Have you come across videos on the For You Page where influencers/ creators are discouraging the purchase of a specific item from a fashion brand? *
How do you feel about the deinfluencing movement on TikTok? *
What aspects of deinfluencing videos from creators seem more credible to you? *
Has your opinion of a fashion brand ever changed after consuming deinfluencing content? *
How often are your fashion purchases influenced by online creators? *
How likely are you to stop purchasing from a fashion brand after seeing deinfluencing videos about the brand or product from the brand? *
Have you ever stopped supporting a favourite fashion brand because of deinfluencing content on TikTok? *
Does deinfluencing content make your feelings towards a brand change? *
Do you think deinfluencing content has the potential to have a lasting effect on consumer-brand loyalty relationships? *
Describe, if applicable, a specific time when deinfluencing content on TikTok affected the way you viewed a fashion brand. *
Should fashion brands react to deinfluencing? If so, then how? *
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