Datin' Charlotte Submissions
Datin' Charlotte is a special series where QCity Metro/Livin' Charlotte share local dating stories.

And we share it all; the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Got a story you want to tell? Share it below.

We can't wait to read it!
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
What's your name? *
It's okay if you make one up. (We'll change it either way.)
What are your preferred pronouns? *
We ask this so we know which pronouns to use throughout the story.
What is your date's name? *
It's okay if you make one up. (We'll change it either way.)
What are your date's preferred pronouns? *
We ask this so we know which pronouns to use throughout the story.
Describe your "situation" with this person. *
Were ya'll "going steady" or just hanging out?
Are you sharing a single event with us or something that happened over time?
How did you meet / how do you know each other? *
Alright. Tell us your story. *
Give us all the details. We need the who, the what, the when, where and why.
Anything else we should know?
Are you sure?
Are you still seeing this person? *
Try to be specific. "Yes, we're still dating." "No, haven't spoken since." "We're cordial but not dating." Etc
If we need additional details, can we get in touch with you? If yes, leave your email. If no, write no. *
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