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Summer Camp MTCW 2024- Registration Form
The Summer Camp for school students organised by Mar Thoma College for Women is all set to go from
29 April to 04 May 2024.
Courses offered
1. Basics in English Grammar and Communication
2. Nuances in Physics
3. Basics in Computer Application
Please fill this form to book your seats at the earliest.
For more details, contact:
+91 96058 07543, +91 80867 90321, +91 95629 69839
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Full Name
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Your answer
Name of School
Your answer
Name of Guardian
Your answer
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Choose the courses you want to attend
Basic English Grammar and Communication
Nuances in Physics
Basics in Computer Application
Join our WhatsApp group using the following link for updates regarding the course:
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