Havern's Home School Enrichment Survey

We are excited to gather your valuable feedback regarding our Home School Enrichment Program, which is made possible through public funding. This program encompasses a wide range of activities such as library, art, technology, and gym classes. Your input is essential in helping us continually enhance and tailor the program to meet your needs. Your input is greatly appreciated!

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Full name *
How satisfied are you with the art program offered at Havern School?
How satisfied are you with the PE program offered at Havern School?
How satisfied are you with the technology program offered at Havern School?
How satisfied are you with the library offered at Havern School?
Overall, how satisfied are you are you with Havern's Home School Enrichment Program (including art, PE, tech, and library)?
If you have any additional thoughts regarding these programs, please leave them below. 
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