Assignment 2 - Familiarise with the "Annex C" document - Part B
Hi aspirant OOs,

So, to recap: in the first assignment we've learned where to find the Section 3 of the FAI Sporting Code, which is the section for Gliders, and we found stuff in it.
This is the number 1 skill for OOs: being able to find stuff in that document.

Number 2 skill for OOs is: find stuff in another document, the "Annex C".

It is called "Annex C - Official Observer and Pilot Guide"
It is on the same website where the other is.
This time I'll assume you know how to find it.


NOTE: After creating this assignment, I've decided to split it in two.
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Annex C
This Part B of Assignment 2 still refers to the Annex C document
Does the pilot need to know?
As OO's, it's a good idea at the beginning of the season to remind the pilots about some typical mistakes that they do when flying the badge flights.

Use your judgment here to evaluate how important a certain part of this document is for a pilot aspiring to get a badge flight.

Depending on your judgement, you should then accordingly advise the pilots, at the begining of the season, about the importance of being aware of the actual rules, and best practices.
GENERAL (chapter 1, sections 1.*) *
How useful for the PILOTS?
no need to know
GENERAL (chapter 1, sections 1.*) *
How useful for the OOs?
no need to know
GENERAL (chapter 1, sections 1.*) - comments?
Any comments? Any part of the chapter more useful than others?
Does it depend on the type of badge the pilot is going for?
TASK CONSIDERATIONS (chapter 2, sections 2.*) *
How useful for the PILOTS?
no need to know
TASK CONSIDERATIONS (chapter 2, sections 2.*) *
How useful for the OOs?
no need to know
TASK CONSIDERATIONS (chapter 2, sections 2.*)   - comments?
Any comments? Any part of the chapter more useful than others?
Does it depend on the type of badge the pilot is going for?
HEIGHT FACTORS (chapter 3, sections 3.*) *
How useful for the PILOTS?
no need to know
HEIGHT FACTORS (chapter 3, sections 3.*) *
How useful for the OOs?
no need to know
HEIGHT FACTORS (chapter 3, sections 3.*)    - comments?
Any comments? Any part of the chapter more useful than others?
Does it depend on the type of badge the pilot is going for?
START and FINISH CONSIDERATIONS (chapter 4, sections 4.*) *
How useful for the PILOTs?
no need to know
START and FINISH CONSIDERATIONS (chapter 4, sections 4.*) *
How useful for the OOs?
no need to know
START and FINISH CONSIDERATIONS (chapter 4, sections 4.*)    - comments?
Any comments? Any part of the chapter more useful than others?
Does it depend on the type of badge the pilot is going for?
PRESSURE ALTITUDE EVIDENCE (chapter 5, sections 5.*) *
How useful for the PILOTS?
no need to know
PRESSURE ALTITUDE EVIDENCE (chapter 5, sections 5.*) *
How useful for the OOs?
no need to know
PRESSURE ALTITUDE EVIDENCE (chapter 5, sections 5.*)    - comments?
Any comments? Any part of the chapter more useful than others?
Does it depend on the type of badge the pilot is going for?
How useful for the PILOTS?
no need to know
How useful for the OOs?
no need to know
POSITION RECORDERS and IGC-APPROVED FLIGHT RECORDERS (chapter 6, sections 6.*)    - comments?
Any comments? Any part of the chapter more useful than others?
Does it depend on the type of badge the pilot is going for?
FLIGHT RECORDERS – INSTALLATION (chapter 7, sections 7.*) *
How useful for the PILOTS?
no need to know
FLIGHT RECORDERS – INSTALLATION (chapter 7, sections 7.*) *
How useful for the OOs?
no need to know
FLIGHT RECORDERS – INSTALLATION (chapter 7, sections 7.*)  - comments?
Any comments? Any part of the chapter more useful than others?
Does it depend on the type of badge the pilot is going for?
Chapter 8 is for Pilots
Chapter 9 is for OOs
So, I won't ask the obvious question.

Please, though, read both, and ponder, and comment below, on the cooperation and collaboration that needs to happen between OO and Pilot BEFORE and AFTER the flight.

Anything you are surprised about?
The rest of the document... *
Chapter 10 is on Data Analysis. 
If you like analysing flights, please read it.
I do not expect every OO to be able to do deep data analysis of an .igc flight given them by a pilot, but if you can do it, at least in a software like SeeYou, that would be appreciated.

Chapter 11 is about detecting engine noise
so, obviously useful only when engines are involved.

Have a look at the Appendixes, two of them should be printed out and hanged in your club house for every pilot to be reminded of the steps they need to go through before attempting a badge flight.
Which appendixes are these?
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