2 yr Old Self-Help and Social-Emotional Scales 
Directions: Read each item and select the response or description that best reflects your child’s behavior or skill level.
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What is the first name of your child?  *
A. Eating Skills
1. Does your child ask for food when he/she is hungry? *
2. Can your child hold a cup in one hand and drink from it without much spilling? *
3. Does your child use a spoon?
If yes, does your child place the spoon in his/her mouth without turning the spoon upside down and without spilling a lot of food?
A. Dressing Skills
4. Does your child take off his/her coat, shirt, or pants on his/her own if the article of clothing is left unbuttoned or unzipped? *
5. Does your child put on his/her shirt, coat, shorts, or pants on his/her own? (Buttons, snaps, or zippers may be left undone.) *
A. Toileting Skills
6. Does your child get on the toilet or potty by himself/herself (even if he/she needs help with clothing)? *
D. Relationship with Adults
7. Does your child give you affection by kissing, hugging, or patting you? *
8. Does your child look back at you or come back to you often when in a new place? *
9. Does your child respond with feelings of pride and enthusiasm when he/she earns positive feedback? *
10. Does your child watch the faces of other people for clues about how they are feeling? *
E. Play and Relationships with Peers
11. Does your child pretend to do things that you or other adults do, such as driving a car, cleaning the house, or talking on the phone? *
12. Does your child watch other children play and then join the play briefly? *
13. Does your child watch other children do something and then try to copy them? *
F. Motivation and Self-Confidence
14. Does your child show signs of being curious about the things around him/her through exploring and wanting to do things, such as pulling pans from the cupboard or pulling toilet paper from the roll? *
15. Does your child exhibit signs of pushing for independence by insisting that he/she do things for himself/herself? *
G. Prosocial Skills and Behaviors
16. Does your child help put away things, such as his/her books, toys, or clothes? *
17. Does your child like to perform or show off for you? Does he/she sing, perform acts, or do funny things to get you to smile or laugh? *
18. Does your child give as well as take to avoid or resolve conflicts with other children? *
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Sweetwater County Child Developmental Center erstellt. Missbrauch melden