ArcheryGB Membership Changes
This is an opportunity for any DNNA members to feedback on the recently announced changes to the way members join and renew with ArcheryGB. We ask your name, age group and club only to better understand how this feedback represents our membership.
Please do give honest answers.
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Name *
Club *
Age group *
How do you currently manage your membership?
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Are you confident with using sport80?
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If paying through your club what payment options are available? (Tick all that apply)
From 1st November 2024 each individual will be required to manage their own future membership renewals directly with ArcheryGB. This will be the full fee by card payment on your sport80 account.
Do you agree with this?
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There will be an option to set it for automatic renewals. 
Do you agree with this?
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Membership will now be for 12 months from the date of payment. This will mean that people's renewal dates will vary, more so as time goes on.
Do you agree with this?
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You will need to select the clubs you wish to affiliate to in your sport80 account. Club Secretaries will receive an email each time someone selects their club, with the option to decline if that person has not been accepted as a club member.
How do you feel this will work? (Tick all that apply)
With different renewal dates each individual's membership will lapse at different times of the year, with potential invalidation of insurance. ArcheryGB require clubs and members to take responsibility for checking those shooting are valid members, suggesting a monthly check. Arran Coggan said 'we need to encourage archers to check other people and ask to see their membership cards'. (Webinar 1 recording 36mins)
Do you agree with this?
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You can still opt to receive a plastic membership card, but it is not a guarantee of valid membership. It will not show if a member has been suspended for any reason and therefore not allowed to shoot. Electronic checks of the membership system are not available to all members and require internet service to do this, so may not be possible on the field in some areas.
Do you have access to a reliable way of checking the membership of archers at the field? Please consider guest archers from other clubs and competitions.
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With the removal of pro-rata, new members will have to pay the full fee straight away. Some clubs plan beginners courses to end when the pro-rata kicks in to afford their new members a reduced membership fee for the remainder of the membership year. Some clubs put off new members joining until the pro-rata date.
Do you think there is any reason to keep pro-rata?
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Region and County fees will still be payable, but we do not yet have any information on how this will be managed.
Do you feel you receive a service for your Region & County fees?
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How will this affect you personally?
How do you think this will affect your club?
A number of clubs around the country are considering becoming independent with private insurance. Some have already taken this step. Is your club contemplating other options around membership of ArcheryGB?
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