Geology and the Flood Quiz
Quiz for Creation Apologetics course by Mr. Chris Ashcraft
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1. Prior to the 19th century geologists believed that... *
1 point
2. Uniformitarianism is the belief *
1 point
3. Who were two people that introduced the concept of uniformitarian thinking to Geology? *
1 point
4. The Missoula Flood was a major catastrophic flood in eastern Washington that… *
1 point
5. What does the story of Harlen Bretz teach us about the thinking of geologists today? *
1 point
6. All of the following are sedimentary rocks except… *
1 point
7. What type of rock was used as a building stone for roads and building in places like Jerusalem and massive monuments like Pyramids? *
1 point
8. What do we call layers of sedimentary rocks – like those visible at the Grand Canyon? *
1 point
9. How was the entire history of geological time (fossil record) assembled? *
1 point
10. All of the following are “Laws of Stratigraphy” except… *
1 point
11. How does the Law of Lateral Continuity provide proof of Biblical Flood? *
1 point
12. Sedimentary rock strata (layers) can be formed by all the following physical processes except which? *
1 point
13. Turbidites are a type of sandstone that was formed by what action? *
1 point
14. The Eruption at Mount St. Helen was an important event that helped illustrate what catastrophic geological process? *
1 point
15. Most of the erosion that occurred at Mount St. Helens was caused by what physical process? *
1 point
16. Trees were observed floating in Spirit Lake at Mount St. Helens, which led to what theories about the Biblical flood? *
1 point
17. Difficulty in explaining the erosion of the Grand Canyon is due to what? *
1 point
18. What theory has been proposed by creation scientists to account for the erosion of the Grand Canyon? *
1 point
19. When viewed through the Biblical worldview – what is the meaning or message of the fossil record? *
1 point
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