The Intensive Art Course Sign Up
Please fill this form out to book your spot.
We will contact you for the next steps.
There is no right or wrong answer, this is for us to know you better and customize the program to your needs.
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Please make sure to add accurate information so we can reach you.
Name *
Age *
Email *
Phone Number (WhatsApp Number) *
Art Experience
This is to help us know your art background and help us work with you to achieve your goals as an artist.
What have you tried using before from the below? *
What style of art do you make now or would like to make? *
If you have a social media page for your artwork, please add the links (FB/ Instagram /Pinterest/ DeviantArt etc)
How would you rate your experience as an artist? *
Beginner Level
Exceptional Master Level
Your Personal Journey
What are your biggest challenges as an artist? *
What art style/ medium/ concept do you really want to learn? It can be more then one. *
What are three main targets you want to achieve as an artist? *
What do you want to achieve from this course? *
Would you prefer: *
Can you commit to 2 classes per week - 2 hours each class? *
Do you have  any other comments or concerns?
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