STEM Program Application
The STEM Program enables students to begin an intense academic program in their freshman year with special emphasis in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The STEM program allows young women to concentrate in one specific area, thus preparing them more completely for further collegiate studies.  

Engineering Concentration: The Engineering concentration allows students to explore a variety of fields in engineering design and research as well as computer science, all while developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills through a series of courses that integrate hands-on learning as a central component. The Catholic High Engineering curriculum includes Honors classes in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science, along with specific classes geared toward Engineering.  Students will also complete Calculus and a Senior Capstone Project.

Biomedicine Concentration: The Biomedical concentration at Catholic High engages young women in the exploration of rigorous content in the medical sciences field. The curriculum includes Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Public Health and Epidemiology,  Histology and Pathology, and Clinical Studies. Through a combination of course work in our hospital simulation room, research, field experiences, and speakers, students explore a wide variety of college majors and post college careers.

Sports Medicine Concentration: The Sports Medicine Concentration at Catholic High engages young women in the exploration of content in the Sports Medicine field. Students study Anatomy and Physiology,  Kinesiology, and Clinical curriculum related to Sports Medicine. The Sports Medicine Concentration is for students interested in careers in Sports Medicine, Athletic Training, Orthopedics, Exercise Physiology, Kinesiotherapy, Physiatry, and Physical Therapy.

Students may apply for more than one concentration.  Please complete the application choosing all concentrations you are interested in.

Please note that TCHS will consider the following criteria:

~ Academic grades in math and science (Engineering concentration requires Honors Algebra II freshman year)
~ Standardized test results
~ High School Placement Test results

Please submit this completed form to the Office of Enrollment NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 15, 2023.

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Student's First Name: *
Student's Last Name *
Current Grade Level *
Current School *
Parent/Guardian Prefix *
Parent/Guardian's First Name *
Parent/Guardian's Last Name *
Parent/Guardian's Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone *
Concentration: You may choose more than one. *
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