CISV Greater Springfield Car Scavenger Hunt
Join us for our first ever car scavenger hunt!  A fun, COVID-friendly, family event!

Saturday, March 13, 2021 -  2 - 4 PM

Come meet us in Longmeadow or participate from wherever you are! (or even if you can't make this day/time/place, register and we will send you the instructions, so you can have fun at another time that is convenient!)

Questions?:  Please contact Marna Shields at or
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Full Name *
Email address *
Mobile phone number (the phone you will be using day of scavenger hunt) *
Team Name (optional)
# of Team Members
Town in which you plan to participate *
Are you a member of CISV Greater Springfield? *
If you are not a member, how did you hear about this event?
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If you were referred by a friend/family member, please enter their name:
I give permission for CISV Greater Springfield to use photos from the event on their website, Facebook, and/or Instagram sites. *
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