CMI Inquiry Form for Schools
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Email *
Name *
Select all that apply: *
District *
School *
Role *
What services are you interested in? *
Please share details about current school /district goals and objectives. *
Please tell us about current district and school-wide initiatives and intervention teams (ie, restorative practice, MTSS, PBIS, Second Step etc) *
What engagement & attendance needs have you noticed? *
What is one specific goal for this partnership? *
What is your timeline for reaching this goal? *
short term (weeks)
long term (years)
What other community partners do you collaborate with regularly? *
Which data systems do you use at your school? (Check all that apply) *
What was your school's chronic absenteeism rate last school year (23-24)? *
Tell me about your current interventions. Check those that are currently established: *
How many staff currently work at your school? *
How many students are currently enrolled in your school? *
How did you hear about Count ME In? *
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