LUMNI a disconnected alarm clock
Hey! I'm designing Lumni, a smart alarm clock that replaces smartphone in the bedroom, and has NO SNOOZE button. It wakes you up with light and sounds, but does not stop until you leave the bed.
It is also 100% offline, so no Wi-Fi, no internet and no Alexa.

Below is a quick survey that will help me figure out how do design it and what features you would like to see.
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A prototype video of Lumni:
How old are you?
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What best describes your occupation?
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How do you usually wake up in the morning?
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If you use smartphone as alarm, do you think it influences you sleep quality, beacuse you have access to it in the bed and therefore you use it before sleeping? 
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What is your biggest struggle when waking up?
Do you currently use any sleep-tracking or smart alarm devices?
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If yes, what kind are you using?
Would you be interested in an alarm clock that gradually lights up before your alarm and turns off only when you get out of bed?
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How important is it for an alarm clock to sense when you've actually gotten out of bed?
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What features would convince you to buy a smart alarm clock? (Select all that apply)
Would you be interested in early access, discounts, or a Kickstarter launch for Lumni?
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At what price would you consider Lumni to be so expensive that you would not consider buying it?
At what price would you consider Lumni to be priced so low that you would question its quality?
At what price would you consider Lumni to be getting expensive, but still worth considering?
At what price would you consider Lumni to be a bargain—a great buy for the money?
Would you like to be updated about Lumni’s progress? If yes, leave a mail and I will keep you in the loop! I will also make sure you receive the best possible price.
Any other feedback you can think of?
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