NYC: What's the No. 1 thing you'd like your school to provide this year?
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Please feel free to answer the questions most relevant to you. This form is confidential. If you are OK with us publishing your answers, along with your name and location, let us know in the appropriate box below. We won't publish your contact information. We just ask so we can get in touch. Thank you for sharing with us.

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What is your first and last name? *
What borough do you teach in, attend school in, or does your child attend school in? *
Which school are you connected to? Full names, please. *
What's your connection to schools? Are you a... *
What grade are you/your child in?
What are you most looking forward to this school year?
What's the No. 1 thing you'd like your school to provide this year?
Are you concerned about the city's budget cuts? How have those cuts affected your school (for example, has they resulted in bigger classes)?
What do you think of your school's mental health offerings? Does your school have enough counselors, social workers, or other mental health support?
Are there ways the COVID pandemic has affected you or your child or your class (for educators) academically or emotionally you anticipate contending with this school year?
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