SouthWest Emergent Response Volunteers Application (2021-2022)
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full name *
date of birth *
pronouns *
Where are you currently located? Say a little bit about where you are and what you're up to. *
languages spoken (please share also if you are a native speaker, fluent, proficient, conversational, or just beginning in each language)
SWERV participants will need to ask a community group to sign a "community endorsement form" to recommend them for service. Ideally this form would be signed by a church or campus ministry group, but if you are not currently connected with a worshiping community we are open to other community endorsements! Please comment below to indicate what group you would ask to endorse you. (Endorsing you means the group knows you and recommends you for service, and that they are committed to supporting you emotionally, spiritually, and/or financially during your volunteer term.) *
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