Breaker Rock Beach Vacation Bible School 2024 Youth Volunteer Form (Grades 7th - 12th)
*Please use a separate form for each child
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Introduction to Youth Volunteering
Hello Parent/Guardian (s), of 7th grade, 8th grade and High School volunteers! Youth volunteers fill an important role at VBS. They are great role models for the children and tremendous help to the adult volunteers. They add energy and excitement to the week, and VBS would not be the same without them. We welcome youth volunteers who are just completing 7th – 12th grades in June 2024.

There are a few things we would like you to reflect upon before signing up to volunteer at VBS. As a volunteer, you become a leader. You will be a good example for the children. Your enthusiastic participation, maturity, and responsible attitude will set the tone for the week. It is important to realize that although you may not be an adult, we expect you to act more like an adult than a child. You will be willing to help the adults in charge of you, however needed. Your top priority will be to help the children around you learn a lot and have a great time. You will show the children God’s love through your words, & actions. What a privilege!

If this is the right fit for your student’s personality, talents, and readiness to take on responsibility, please join us in this ministry! We hope you have a lot of fun at VBS, and join in all the games, music and worship. There is a place for parents to digitally sign at the bottom of this form.
Youth's First Name *
Youth's Last Name *
Middle Initial
Nickname (if preferred)
Gender *
Birth Date *
Age *
Grade completed Spring 2024 *
Youth's E-mail
Youth's Cell #
Would you like to order a T-Shirt for $7?
T-Shirts are optional.  By choosing a size below and submitting this form, you will have ordered a T-Shirt.  You will be charged $7.00 for that T-Shirt, due upon arrival.
T-Shirt Size *
I would like to order the following VBS T-Shirt.
Check the days you are available:
Please select one area of VBS you would like to serve in *
Check one or more positions (selections are not guaranteed)
Parent/Guardian Name(s) *
Home Address *
Street Address
City *
State *
Zip *
Best Phone Number to Reach Parent/Guardian *
Parent/Guardian's E-mail
Any allergies or other medical conditions?
Tetanus shot up to date?
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