🥘 Dungeon Meshi Zine Writer Application! 🥘
We're so glad you're interested in our project and we're excited to see your writing! This form closes at Midnight on June 10 🪄

Writer Expectations and Guidelines:
  • Feature fic writers are expected to produce an original written piece of 2k-3k words. They will also potentially collaborate with a spot artist to illustrate it.
  • All written works must be original and any evidence of usage of AI or plagiarism will result in expulsion.
  • All written works are expected to be polished and contain no grammar or spelling mistakes. Contributors may receive help proof-reading from the writing mod.
  • Comic script writers are expected to work with an artist or artists to produce a 3-4 page comic script which will then be illustrated.

Learn more about this project from our Carrd.

Follow us for updates: Tumblr || Twitter || Instagram

Ask us anything: Retrospring  
Email *
What is the name you would like to take CREDIT under for this project? *
What pronouns would you like to be addressed by? 
What Email should we contact you by? Double-check that it is spelled correctly! *
Please LINK your active social media accounts here. This can include an AO3. You may also link a Carrd or Linktree. *
What is an alternative means that we can contact you by should we be unable to reach you by Email? You may list one of the social media accounts linked above. *
What is your Discord username or ID number? If you do not currently have a Discord, you will need to create one. You can write "I will create one." 

We will not share this information; it is purely for contact purposes if needed.
By clicking here, you agree that you are currently 18 or older and agree to the guidelines and deadlines for contributors posted on our Carrd. You understand that if you are found to violate the guidelines (such as by engaging in hate speech or joining the project despite being under the age limit) you may be asked to step down from your position in the zine. You understand that if you miss multiple check-ins without any communication to the mod team you may be asked to step down.  *
Are you interested in contributing to the digital 18+ pin-up/suggestive zine or only the main zine?

We will not have any 18+ zine-exclusive contributors.
Are you more interested in being a feature fic writer or a comic script writer? We cannot guarantee that you will receive your preferred role, but we will try our best. *
We recommend you keep a couple things in mind:
  • A Dungeon Meshi example is not required, but is highly recommended if possible.
  • Submitted features can be full-length fics (max 3k words), excerpts from larger fics, or samples of other creative writing.
  • At least 1 sample MUST be a completed story within the 3k word limit
  • Comic writers do not need to submit a comic script. If you do have one (or have an illustrated comic that you wrote), you may submit it
  • Google Drive links are preferred (though not required) for the three feature pieces and portfolio. Please double-check that these are set to public sharing. If your settings do not share your works with us, we cannot guarantee that we will return to the work to check if it has been opened, especially if it takes some time to grant access. Double-check your links are public. If sharing links to works on AO3, please make sure they are viewable by the public.
  • Works will be judged on grammar, style, flow, and characterization.
Please link your first feature piece which represents the quality you plan to use for this project. 

If using a Google Drive link, please double-check that it is publicly viewable.
Please link your second feature piece.  *
Please link your third feature piece. *
Please link your writing portfolio. This may contain your featured pieces and should also have 1-3 additional works showcasing your ability.

If using a Google Drive link, please double-check that it is publicly viewable.
If you would like to be considered for both the SFW and NSFW zines, you may submit an NSFW or suggestive feature piece here (assuming above are SFW). Otherwise, please leave this space empty.
Do you have any pitch ideas or specific relationships you would like to work with? This will not affect your application status, but we'd like to get a pulse on ideas. If you do not have any yet, you may leave this blank.
Have you applied or are you planning to apply to other positions? Keep in mind that you may be selected for multiple, in which case you are responsible for fulfilling the workload of all roles. *
Would you like to be considered as a pinch hitter?

Pinch hitters are those who are not initially included in the project, but may be called upon later in the process to fill the slot of a contributor unable to fulfill their workload for any reason. This would give you less time to complete your work, but would offer you a second chance at inclusion should you not be accepted.
Would you like to be added to our mailing list if you are not already? *
Is there anything additional you would like us to know about you or your application?
Do you have any questions about our project? Share them here and we will post answers on our socials. You can always Email, message, or send us an ask on Tumblr or Retrospring with further questions.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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