Application Form Nordic Sports Innovation Challenge 2022
E-pasta adrese *
Qualifying event for Le Tremplin Invest Finals @Global Sports Week
Welcome to the Nordic Sports Innovation Challenge 2022 !

Qualifying event for Le Tremplin Invest Finals @Global Sports Week in Paris

We are looking for the Nordic based startup that will represent us at Le Tremplin Invest Finals, the largest Sports Tech Investor Event in Europe that will be held during Global Sports Week in Paris in May 2022

Sports Lab Copenhagen is proud to be an international partner and will be selecting the Nordic startup that will be invited to represent the region and pitch at Global Sports Week in Paris.

In 2020, 14 international selected finalists were invited to pitch and Le Tremplin Invest Finals saw:

🚀 250+ investors

🚀 130 international media

🚀 € 3m + funds raised

The Global Sports Week ( will take place in person on May 10th and 11th 2022, at the Accor Arena in Paris


The selected Nordic based startup will:

- Get invited to pitch at Le Tremplin Invest, Europe's biggest event for investors to connect to sportstech startups  in front of +250 investors, +600 sports industry experts and 130 media

 - Benefit from unprecedented visibility, opportunities to pitch and connect to thousands of leaders from across the global sports ecosystem, and proven fundraising possibilities.

- Be automatically selected for participation (at a discounted rate) as one of the selected Official Innovative Solutions at the Solutions Square, a physical space which will showcase innovative solutions in sports

- Application is open to startups based in Denmark, Faroe Island, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
- Startups must be solving a sports-related problem
- Startups must be able to show existing sales revenues and be at a stage where they are looking to scale internationally
- Startups must be actively looking for investment
What is your full name? *
What is the name of your startup? *
When was your startup founded? *
In which Nordic country is your startup based? *
What is your website URL? *
How many people do you have in your team?
1 to 3
3 to 5
5 to 10
10 to 20
more than 20
Notīrīt atlasi
What sports-related problem are you solving (max 150 words)? *
Does your solution contribute to UN SDGs (United Nations Sustainability Development Goals)? If so, in what way(s)? (max 100 words) *
What is your value proposition (max 200 words)? *
Why should your customers buy your product / service? How are you different from your competitors?
Short description of your product / service  (max 100 words) *
 Add eventual link to short video
Is your product / solution patented? What advantage(s) do you have that your competitors cannot copy or buy? (max 50 words) *
Who are your customers? (max 50 words) *
What are your (expected) distribution channels? (max 100 words) *
What is your current or expected business model? (max 100 words) *
What market traction have you had to date? *
# of customers/users, key partnerships, awards...etc
What are your annual sales revenues to date? *
What is your realistic 12-month forecast? *
Your base-case scenario in terms of #clients/users in the next 12 months
Has your startup raised funds before? *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
If yes, how much and what type of funding? *
How much in total? What type of funding: Friends Family Fools (FFF), Soft public funding, Crowdfunding, Business angel, VCs?
Are you looking to raise funds in the next 3 months? *
If yes, how much? *
Why do you think you should be the Nordic representative @Le Tremplin Invest Finals? (max 100 words) *
Jūsu atbilžu kopija tiks nosūtīta uz jūsu norādīto e-pasta adresi.
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