Neill Elementary PTO Volunteer Interest Form

The purpose of a PTO is to give parents/caregivers & teachers the opportunity to work together to supplement and enrich the educational experience.  Neill Elementary PTO is a non-profit organization and EVERYONE in the Neill community is an automatic member! If you can help for as little as 30 minutes at an event, it really makes a difference.  If serving in person isn’t for you, please explore the many options below to make this organization work for ALL! Thank you very much for your time; it is greatly appreciated!

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
First & Last Name *
Phone number
Committee members/coordinator roles descriptions & details link
Non-traditional "volunteer" opportunities
Family Events team
Class Parties team
Pledge Drive team
Spring Auction team
Teacher Appreciation team
Sponsorship team
Shared Dreams
Communication (Webmaster) 
Tuesday Folder team
Yearbook team
PTO Monthly Newsletter team
Workroom team
Spirit Night Team
Cultural Liaison
Spirt Wear team
Field Day team 
Fort Bend Education Foundation team
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