End of Semester Survey
The following questions are strictly for me, your instructor. I need your help to make my class better next year, and I really want you to be honest. It’s fine to be critical but please explain your answers. Thank you!

Note: Your responses won't affect your final grade.

Include your course outcomes down here for students reference:

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What elements of the online course content and course environment did you find to be particularly useful to achieving the course objectives? *
What elements of the online course content and course environment did you find detracted from achieving the course learning objectives? *
Were the assessments a fair representation of what we were learning? *
What is one thing would you NOT change about this course? This can be related to the course content or assignments. *
What, if any, content and assignments would you change, and why? *
How many hours per week did you spend working on this class? *
I understood the material of this class *
The course increased my ability to critically evaluate ideas *
The course lessons were presented in manageable sections or modules through which I could easily navigate. *
The instructor was approachable *
The instructor communicated effectively *
The instructor created an environment that helped students learn *
The feedback I received from the instructor on my work improved my learning *
What were the strengths of the instructor's classroom/online management and teaching style? *
In what ways has the instructor increased your interest in the course content? *
How satisfied were you with your effort in this course? *
What changes in strategy or performance could you have made to enhance your learning in this course? *
What other suggestions do you have to improve this class? *
What are other topics you wished the instructor should have covered? *
What advice would you give to another student who is considering taking this course? *
Name (Optional)
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