PB Process Data Submission Form
Thanks for helping us keep our database of Participatory Budgeting (PB) processes in the US and Canada up to date! Please submit any new data about PB processes or corrections to our existing data in the form below. We'll make the change as soon as possible. Don't worry if you don't have information about all the detailed questions, please just submit what you have. Also keep in mind that if you are involved with administering a PB program, the Participatory Budgeting Project has tools for setting up evaluation processes that yield information that is highly valuable for communities implementing PB as well as researchers studying it.
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Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Vote Year *
Name of Process *
Many processes have unique names, e.g. "The People's Budget"; otherwise we usually name them after the implementing institution, e.g. "City of Vallejo PB".
Implementing Institution *
The name of the organization that implements PB within a jurisdiction, for example the name of a city government or a specific department within it.
Allocating Institution
The name of the organization that allocates the funds to the PB process; in some cases this is the same as the implementing institution.
Parent Institution
Some PB processes are part a larger program; for instance in PBNYC, District 39 would be an implementing and an allocating institution and the New York City Council would be the parent institution.
Activity Status *
Is this PB process currently in the planning stage or is it underway with funds already set aside?
Type of PB *
Detailed Type of PB
Just like the previous question, this one is asking about the kind of PB process except that here the options are more specific.
Clear selection
Targeted Constituency
Some processes have targeted constituencies, such as youth, students, residents in a particular neighborhood, businesses in a particular district, etc. If it is a school-based PB process, please specify who is eligible to participate (e.g., all students? just one grade? parents? staff?)
Location - City/County *
Location - State/Province *
Location - Country *
How many times has this PB process been conducted?
Parent PB Cycle
How many times has the larger PB program of which this process is a part taken place?
Vote Year and Month
Idea Collection Year and Month
Total Population of Jurisdiction
The number of people in the community that the PB process is engaging with. For instance, if it is district-level PB, then this question is looking for the total population of that district (even if voting is restricted to ages 12 and up, the total population of the district is suitable since younger children are part of the community). For PB in organizations like schools, more specific data is preferred. For example, if it is high school PB that engages only second-year students, then this question is looking for the number of students just in that grade.
Number of Voters
A count of the number of total unique voters in your PB process.
Number of Volunteers
A count of the number of unique volunteers throughout a PB process. A “volunteer” is anyone that helps at a non-voting stage of the process. This can be an idea collection participant, a steering committee member, an outreach volunteer, or others.
Total Funds Allocated through PB (Dollars)
Number of PB voters who are people of color
Number of PB voter survey respondents who indicate something other than “white” as their racial identity. Include those who indicate “white” in conjunction with other racial identities. Often this will be an estimate of all voters based on a sample of voters interviewed. Please provide a basic description of the survey including the name of the investigator, the text of the racial identity question, and the number of survey respondents.
Number of PB volunteers who are people of color
Number of PB volunteers who indicate in a survey something other than “white” as their racial identity. Include those who indicate “white” in conjunction with other racial identities. Often this will be an estimate of all volunteers based on a sample of volunteers interviewed. Please provide a basic description of the survey including the name of the investigator, the text of the racial identity question, and the number of survey respondents.
Number of Project Ideas
Number of Project Proposals on Ballot
Number of Projects Funded through PB
Nongovernmental and community-based organizations involved in PB
Number and names of organizations represented in steering and district committees and that helped with outreach. We recommend including only organizations that district/city/county offices partnered with (through contracts and on a volunteer basis) for the purpose of outreach, including organizations that hosted an idea collection meeting or were a voting site. Organizations may include nonprofits, community groups, religious institutions, business improvement districts, parent-teacher associations, political clubs, etc.
Number of community events and vote sites
Sum of all community events in a process, plus the number of in-person voting locations.
What is the Source of this Information?
Website of PB Process
Additional Information or Notes about PB Process
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