Enrolment Form
Please complete our enrolment form listed below.

You only need to complete one enrolment form PER booking, so if your course comes as part of a bundle, you only need to complete this form ONCE.

Once you have completed the enrolment form, you can continue with the modules.

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Email *
Todays Date *
Title *
(e.g., Miss, Mrs, Mr)
Full Name   *
(this is how you would like your name to appear on certificates)
Address *
Please include your full address including town, county and postcode
Current Occupation *
Some of our students have other jobs as well as being a therapist or may be new to the industry
Business Name:
Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
Please ensure you put your correct date of birth, as this will be required for registration onto the course.
Have you enrolled with Holistic Therapies Training Academy before? *
How did you hear about us? *
Please list all relevant qualifications you hold: *
If there are pre-requisites to the course you are enrolling on, you may will need to send relevant copies of qualification. If this is your first course, please state 'None'
VTCT Learner Number
ONLY RELEVANT IF YOU ARE ENROLLING ON A VTCT COURSE!                                                                                                               If you have enrolled on a VTCT course, and you have already studied a VTCT course previously (whether with us or elsewhere) you will have been issued a learner number (you will find this on one of your VTCT certificates) We will need this number in order to register you with VTCT
Do you feel you may require learning support during the duration of your course? *
Do you have any medical conditions that could affect your training? *
Please state - (It is the students responsibility to check with their GP BEFORE enrolling on the course, if required)
Equal Opportunities Monitoring
Completion is voluntary. The information supplied will be used only for statistical purposes and will be treated as confidential.
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Who are you currently insured with? *
Other Insurance company - please state
If you selected other for your answer above re: Insurance Companies, please state here
Have you checked your insurance companies requirements before enrolling on this course? (It is the students responsibility to check with their insurers BEFORE enrolling on this course) *
It is the students responsibility to ensure they are enrolling on the correct course and the suitability of the course in accordance with their insurers / professional memberships specifications BEFORE enrolling on the course in accordance with our terms. - Terms & Conditions
Course(s) you are enrolling on: *
Please state the names of the courses you are enrolling on
Course Dates / Venue *
Please list your preferred course dates / venue, if known, or state if you are enrolling on a distant learning course.
Have you checked the Pre-Requisite/Entry Level for this course (s)? *
We will require a copy of your certificate for the Pre-requisite for our records before you can complete the course. You can email them to - learning@holistictherapiestraining.co.uk  
Payment method: *
Additional information
Please add any additional information here if required
Declaration *
I confirm that all the details in this form are correct and I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of Holistic Therapies Training (our terms are listed on our website - https://www.holistictherapiestrainingacademy.co.uk/terms-conditions 
How to keep up to date with our latest news
Here are some ways you can keep up to date with our latest news, offers, course dates and new courses:                                       1. Social Media - Facebook: like our page - www.facebook.com/holistictherapiestraining. Twitter: Follow us here - https://twitter.com/Holistictutor. Instagram: Follow us here - https://www.instagram.com/holistictherapiestraining/. LinkedIn: Find us here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/holistictherapiestraining/                                                                                                    2. Newsletter - Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with offers, new courses and more - https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/340303/84452359287080146/share             
3. Testimonial reviews - Please help us to grow our business and leave us a review on Facebook (www.facebook.com/holistictherapiestraining) or google (https://g.page/holistic-therapies-training?share)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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