Restorative Justice Talk
A presentation for parents/guardians/caregivers.

Thursday, January 12th, 7-8:30pm
Multipurpose Room, Lord Nelson School

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Your Full Name *
From which school community are you coming? *
Your email address *
How many adults from your household will be attending? *
Childminding Sign-up
Do you require childminding in order to attend this PAC presentation for parents/guardians? We will be arranging for trained Grade 7 babysitters during the talk. Please complete the form so that we can be prepared.
How many children from your household will you be bringing? *
What age is/are the child(ren) you will be bringing who need supervision?

Please note that babysitter(s) will not be prepared for changing diapers.
Aged 2-4
Aged 5-7
Aged 8-10
Aged 11-12
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Cancella selezione
Is there anything the babysitters should know about your children?
Your phone number: Required for babysitting signup
Thank you
We will be in touch with you with details about childminding during this event.

If you would like to support the PAC by contributing to the cost of the babysitters, we welcome e-transfers of $2-5.
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