Year 9 Parent/Carer Survey
Gable Hall School regularly conducts parent and carer surveys in order to get feedback on satisfaction and concerns on a range of topics. The Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team value the input from parents, which provides an evaluation input to future school strategy and improvement planning.

We thank you for your ongoing support.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
My child is happy to come to school *
My child feels safe at this school *
My child makes good progress at this school *
My child is well looked after at this school *
My child is taught well at this school *
My child receives appropriate homework for their age *
The school makes sure its students are well behaved *
The school deals effectively with bullying *
The school is well led and managed *
The school responds well to any concerns I raise *
I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress *
If your child is SEND are you happy with the provision they receive *
If you are entitled to Pupil Premium are you happy with the support you are receiving. 
Would you recommend this school to another person? *
Thank you for completing the survey.  Your support is much appreciated and the information you provide will be used to further improve the school.
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